Sally Franklin

Chief Operating Officer, Real Estate, Investa

In her role as the Chief Operating Officer, Real Estate, Sally is responsible for the Real Estate Operations and Services teams. Sally’s teams include the full suite of Property Management, Leasing, Procurement, Capital Projects, Building Technology, ESG and Safety functions across the Office and Living platforms.

Sally has over 25 years’ experience in the commercial property industry and prior to joining Investa in 2007, was Fund Manager for the MacarthurCook Office Property Trust. Prior to this, Sally was responsible for the National Property Strategy at Telstra, was Property Consultant at Urbis and was a valuer at CBRE. Sally has a Master of International Finance and also has a Bachelor of Business Degree (Property), an Estate Agents Licence (Victoria and Queensland) and has practiced as a qualified AAPI valuer.

FOOS25 Program

  • INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE ADRESS: Who’s going to win the return-to-office tug of war?
  • Office Leaders Panel: Examining the trends, opportunities and challenges for the office sector